If Vaughan wants a real change, they need to vote for Danny DeSantis on Monday October 24 Several polls have come out over the last few days showing that Steven Del Duca may take the Mayoral race in Vaughan, with Danny DeSantis coming in a close second and Sandra...
Passing the torch is the way a political party stays in power, often without much change for the people Career politicians are skilled at elections – they know how to talk a good game and they let the power of their brand carry them onto victory. In recent...
Rapid growth of residential units without improving the infrastructure causes traffic gridlock Click here to Watch Video If you have ever driven through the City of Vaughan, you will understand the serious nature of dealing with heavy traffic. In the last decade, the...
The greatness of a society can be measured by how it treats the most vulnerable Click here to Watch Video The increases in the cost of living are having devastating effects everywhere in Canada and Danny DeSantis is very concerned about how this affects the most...
Local business leader enters the race for Mayor Click here to Watch Video Over the past 15 years Danny DeSantis has been incubating businesses in and around the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Today Danny announces that he is entering the race for Mayor of Vaughan. Danny...
Danny DeSantis
"I am not a career politician. I got into politics because I believe that we need to protect hardworking people to make their lives and the lives of their children better."